Janice Lueker was one of seven children (the middle child, in fact, between three sisters and three brothers) born into a farming family in Lost Springs, Kansas (located between Marion and Herrington); along what has been known as the Santa Fe Trail.
Of her siblings, Janice currently has a younger brother and sister still living, keeping those important family connections ongoing.
Lost Springs eventually became an abandoned town and due to school consolidation Janice graduated high school from Joint District #11 in 1958.
She met and was courted by Jim Evans for nearly two years.
After being united in marriage they moved to Camdenton, Kansas (near the Lake of the Ozarks). Jim pursued his goal of becoming a barber and continued in that profession despite illness forcing retirement and his eventual death in 2003.
Having worked outside the home at various jobs, Janice was hired at First National Bank of Camdenton where she began her thirty-six year banking career where she transitioned through various positions, becoming a Vice President until her retirement in 2006 when she relocated to Stafford Place in Newton.
In the course of time, she made the move to the campus of Kansas Christian Home, settling in with Shadow, a mixed breed Shih Tsu/poodle pet companion in 2018.
She engages in worship and social activities at Zion Lutheran church here in Newton and has participated in the women’s quilting projects to complete items for various outreach missions.
Janice is nurtured by friendship with her next-door neighbors and other campus residents which have become an unconditional source of support in addition to her family.